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BioTeSys publiziert regelmäßig wissenschaftliche Artikel zu unterschiedlichen Themen aus dem Umfeld der Prüfung und wissenschaftlichen Absicherung von biologischen und chemischen Produkten.

Publikation: 19. November 2015

In Vitro Activation of eNOS by Mangifera indica (Careless™) and Determination of an Effective Dosage in a Randomized, Double-Blind, Human Pilot Study on Microcirculation.

Mangifera indica fruit preparation (Careless™) activates the evolutionary conserved metabolic sensors sirtuin 1 and adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase, which have been identified as playing a key role in microcirculation and endothelial function. Here, an acute effect of a single dose of 100 mg or 300 mg Careless™ on microcirculation was investigated in a randomized, double-blind, crossover pilot study in ten healthy women to determine the effective dosage.

Publikation: 09. Juli 2015

Quality control data of physiological and immunological biomarkers measured in serum and plasma.

In two work packages of the MARK-AGE project, 37 immunological and physiological biomarkers were measured in 3637 serum, plasma or blood samples in five batches during a period of 4 years. The quality of the serum and plasma samples was very good as judged by the low number of biomarker measurements (only 0.2%) that were rejected because of a high hemolysis, icteria or lipemia of the samples. Using quality control samples, day-to-day and batch variations were determined. The mean inter-assay variation of the five batches were all below 8%, with an average inter-assay coefficient of variation of all biomarkers of 4.0%.

Publikation: 18. Juni 2015

Joint health: What degree of evidence is necessary to support health claims for food supplements, taking glucosamine as an example?

Arthropathies present a major challenge for the public health system, both in terms of epidemiology and health economics, particularly against the background of demographic changes in the Western world. Much attention must be paid to prevention, because of the limited options and high technical and financial expenditure with respect to treatment. Among other factors, nutrition plays an important role.

Publikation: 01. Mai 2015

Wissenschaftliche Absicherung von Health Claims. Eine Bestandsaufnahme

Mit der VO (EG) Nr. 1924/2006 über nährwert- und gesundheitsbezogene Angaben über Lebensmittel (sog. „Health Claims Verordnung“ – HCV) wird Lebensmittelunternehmen die Möglichkeit eröffnet, Lebensmittel mit einer wirkbezogenen Aussage zu vermarkten. Acht Jahre nach dem Inkrafttreten der Verordnung sollen in der gebotenen Kürze regulatorische Entwicklungen in der Umsetzung der HCV nachvollzogen und Informationen zur Vorgehensweise bei der Zulassung von Health Claims gegeben werden. Darüber hinaus wird auf die Anforderungen an eine wissenschaftliche Absicherung von gesundheitsbezogenen Angaben und die dafür notwendigen Evidenzkriterien eingegangen. Von der EFSA wurden hohe Hürden für die wissenschaftliche Absicherung aufgestellt. Mit dem Artikel sollen Schwächen bei der bisherigen Vorgehensweise dargestellt werden, ein Überblick über die noch offenen Themen gegeben und Möglichkeiten zur Bewältigung der wissenschaftlichen Anforderungen aufgezeigt werden.

Publikation: 02. April 2015

MARK-AGE population: From the human model to new insights

Many relevant EU projects were funded during last decade and MARK-AGE (European Study to Establish Biomarkers of Human Ageing) was the first focused on the identification of biomarkers connecting itself with a previous funded project, i.e. GEHA (Genetic of Healthy Ageing) that identified European families with longevity component (Franceschi et al., 2007). MARK-AGE was mainly a cross sectional study, based on definite assumptions and focused on an age range between 34 and 75 years, in order to identify early biomarkers of biological vs. chronological age, potentially capable of predicting the rate of ageing later in life.

Publikation: 26. März 2015

MARK-AGE standard operating procedures (SOPs): A successful effort.

Within the MARK-AGE project, a population study (3337 subjects) was conducted to identify a set of biomarkers of ageing which, as a combination of parameters with appropriate weighting, would measure biological age better than any single marker. The MARK-AGE project involves 14 European countries and a total of 26 research centres

Publikation: 24. März 2015

MARK-AGE biomarkers of ageing.

Many candidate biomarkers of human ageing have been proposed in the scientific literature but in all cases their variability in cross-sectional studies is considerable, and therefore no single measurement has proven to serve a useful marker to determine, on its own, biological age. A plausible reason for this is the intrinsic multi-causal and multi-system nature of the ageing process.

Publikation: 07. März 2015

Health Claims for Food Supplements and Degree of Evidence

While assessing the applications for possible health claims for food constituents, we advocate the integration of additional elements, namely grading of evidence, consideration of the risk-benefit ratio and epidemiological and health economic factors.

Publikation: 09. September 2014

Mathematical modelling of the automated FADU assay for the quantification of DNA strand breaks and their repair in human peripheral mononuclear blood cells.

DNA strand breaks are one of the most common genotoxic lesions and they can also arise as intermediates of DNA repair activity. We have previously published an automated method for measuring DNA strand breaks based on fluorimetric detection of alkaline DNA unwinding [1], and here we present a mathematical model of the FADU assay, which enables to an analytic expression for the relation between measured fluorescence and the number of strand breaks.

Publikation: 27. Mai 2014

Perilla extract improves gastrointestinal discomfort in a randomized placebo controlled double blind human pilot study

Gastrointestinal (GI) discomfort, e.g. bloating or rumbling, is a common symptom in otherwise healthy adults. Approximately 20% of the population, particularly women suffer from gastrointestinal discomfort and this affects quality of life. Recent studies discovered a link between the body and mind, called the gut-brain axis. Psychosocial factors, such as e.g. daily stress may cause altered gut physiology leading to ileum contractions and consequently gastrointestinal symptoms. In vitro and ex vivo studies clearly showed that a Perilla frutescens extract combines prokinetic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. The aim of the intervention was to investigate the effects of the proprietary Perilla extract on GI discomfort in healthy subjects with gastrointestinal discomfort and reduced bowel movements in comparison to a placebo product.