BioTeSys offers an in vitro test system including several symptoms of atopic dermatitis (AD) suitable for testing active agents.
Eczematous dermatitis such as AD and allergic contact dermatitis comprises a heterogeneous group of inflammatory skin diseases. They are characterized by typical clinical features including itching, redness, papules and scaling. To date results suggest that T cells are important for the pathogenesis of AD such as damage of the epidermal barrier and several skin inflammation reactions.
Adhesion molecules are necessary for the attachment and migration of lymphocytes through blood vessels and for the movement and attachment of lymphocytes to epidermal cells. Expression of ICAM-1 on epidermal keratinocytes is found in many diverse inflammatory conditions including the atopic dermatitis.
Apoptotic keratinocytes are present in lesional skin of patients with eczematous disorders. T cell induced apoptosis is thought to be a major mechanism in the pathogenesis of eczematous dermatitis.
Chemokines are a superfamily of small structurally related proteins that regulate the traffic of various types of leukocytes. RANTES (eosinophil chemo attractant) is increased in allergen-induced dermatitis of patients with AD.